What are the rules?
Get less than 1500km (2000km for previous players in UAC test games) total distance anyway you can.
Game will end in one week, answers will be available then, ignore all GeoGuessr result screens.
If there is more that one winner, another game will be played until there is only one.
Not really a rule, but the game can't be played with out the anti-cheat features of the Unity script (v7.3.5+). See "How to play" instructions below.
How does this game differ from regular GeoGuessr games?
Locations were found, the panorama was downloaded, edited in a image editing program, and then uploaded to a image hosting server.
The Unity script will download those custom panoramas and replace the normal street view panorama, or in this case no steet view panorama at all, and the player will guess where that custom panorama is. The locations are kept a secret for a specified period of time - in this case one week - so that cheaters can't see the locations, and then revealed and a winner chosen.How will the winner get paid?
In the unlikely event someone wins, I don't know yet...probably PayPal or Amazon gift card or something else.
Why do I keep getting "Failed to load panarama..." screens?
The Unity script is either not installed or something is broken, refreshing the page should fix most problems.
This is sick, how can I make my own UAC games?
This is a new game mode and a how-to will be made some time soon. A website might be made so that a script is not needed, not sure when.
This sucks, your money is perfectly safe, just make a regular game, count me out!
Oh well, you wouldn't have won anyway. Can't win them all lol.
A cheater could win this easily, that's why nobody has done this before, why waste your hard earned cash?
I'm hoping the anti-cheat features of the Unity script will protect my money and only the finest of GeoGuessr players will be able to cop any wins.
How is distance calculated?
Unless someone has a better solution, distance will be calculated with the Google maps api computeDistanceBetween method.
If I make a Youtube video, it will show the rounds, isn't that cheating?
No. This game mode is designed to have as few restrictions as possible and still be secure enough for a cash tournament.
What does UAC stand for?
Unity Anti-Cheat.
How to play: